Stop by and see what she has to offer. She says she is just learning computer skills. I think she will do very well once she really gets the hang of things. Check out her shop at

Several days ago I got into a discussion about how messy my sewing room had gotten. In my creative frenzys I tend to grab and throw things to get to other things. I buy more and it gets added to the chaos! Well....Welcome to my chaos! It does need to be cleaned and cleaned now as I can't find anything! I know the cottons and trims are in bins but the bins are underneath the flannels and fleeces. Every surface is cluttered with stuff.
One of those days when you wake up and it is dreary and kind of stays that way all day. You never get much accomplished and feel like you have run a marathon. And then the day is over. You want to kick yourself because there are projects just sitting there waiting to be done. Yeah....so the dogs got baths and smell good. Yeah....all the dog beds and crate mats scattered through the house got washed. How did you manage to accumulate so many? There are still only five dogs aren't there? How can they use so many beds? And then they still take over the furniture! Their antics make me smile. They love me unconditionally and I love them right back. I guess the whole day hasn't been dreary when I have my loving husband and my five furkids to share it with. Good Night everyone. Pleasant dreams....and hopefully I will accomplish something tomorrow!