A young girl is gifted with a camera and it changes her life. A family that nutured her skills and talents left a big impression on her. After taking a haitus to raise a family she returned to that love. Her photographs take on different lives. They are not just pieces of paper. Her sand photographs are in high demand as note cards and magnets. You may even custom order one done especially for you. Valentine's Day....anyone want to profess their love in the sand and have it photographed for posterity?
The new age of the digital camera found this photographer back in school. She learned how to get the camera to do what she wanted and also learned how to manipulate a photo to create a new piece of art. The photo below was given a sepia tone for a warm antique feel and the color of the flowers warm it even more.
One of her recent endeavors is a series of photos taken of piano keys. A simple and pure subject but she brings it alive. You can purchase these and others from her Etsy shop where she has magnets and note cards as well.

Great write-up about Beth. You've captured her spirit, and a wonderful selection of her photos!
Lovely view of Beth and her work.
I love your tribute to Beth. She is such a wonderful artist! And your blog does a wonderful job of sharing her work with others.
Bethy will be pleased, and so she should be...great write up, Dayna!
what a lovely sentiment!! A beautifully written piece, scottie, about a FAB photographer!
A lovely tribute from one lovely lady to another. This is beautifully written and composed. Thank you for featuring our Bethy! Seeing her photographs adds joy to my day. Reading your entry compounds it.
Beth is a wonderful artist. You do her justice.
Terrific feature about our very talented, Bethy! Nice job!
Wonderful write-up about Beth, who is definitely well deserving!
Thank you so very much on this wonderful Blog feature of me. I'm very touched.
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