I owe our homestead and our store name to our love of Scotties. Right now we are owned by 5 rescues and they are all at this point but one....seniors. Miss Katie is a sweet little ole gal and several weeks ago we saw her starting to limp. Off to the vets....Xrays and poking and prodding and they said give her baby aspirin it is probably a sprain. Not better and by the weekend we took her to the emergency hospital where they poked and prodded and wrapped it and gave her a pain killer. several days later I am at the vets again. My poor baby is in pain.
More Xrays show a swollen digit so antibiotics and anti inflammatory were added and the wrap was off. I as a parent by yesterday was getting a tad...(okay, more than a tad) upset. This morning Miss Katie went under sedation, had another Xray and as they cut the tip of her toenail pus just ran out of it. No wonder she was in pain! It must have throbbed terribly!. The toenail was totally removed and cultures sent to Marshfield to check for cancer just in case. My pretty girl is now home with her meds and a bandage wrapped around the paw and sleeping much better. Thanks to all my friends who prayed for her today.

I'm so sorry Miss Katie hasn't been feeling well. I hope she gets better soon.
It's so frustrating when your pup gets sick; if only she could tell you what is wrong!
I hope Miss Katie is better now, and am So Glad you insisted that the vet find the problem! Poor sweet puppy!
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