They depend on us.....

Helpful Hannah Denim tote

new projects
I started listing some foam backed coaster. Same high quality foam pad base as my mouse pads. They can be made in a wide variety of colors. If you need something to fit your decor from these funky blue and green retro ones to.......these classy black with white Scottie or westie silhouettes or something a else altogether I can custom make them. Just contact me and we'll talk.
http://nannybird.blogspot.com ...contest!!!!
I just finished up with my little contest now am asking for you to help me participate in another one on another site. Hey you can join in the fun too.
Just hop on over to
Leave a comment telling her I sent you! (That's D-A-Y-N-A) just so you get the spelling right! Join in the fun and enter yourself!
And we have 2 winners!

I had fun with this. Thanks to all who participated. I hope you enjoyed it too. Now to think up another contest!
Have a sparklin' day!
And the Winner IS.......
Get your guess in!
My Mom passed away this past November. My Dad had passed away back in 1969 less than a month after I married. The last photos we had of him were taken that day. This is my father and I on that day...taken before we left for the church. This past week two of my sisters had been going through my Mom's things and sorting things out to send to all of us kids. I suppose as the oldest I should have been there but that is not always the way family dynamics work. I had gone down for the funeral and as is usual with families it was a reunion of siblings and aunts and uncles and cousins that you haven't seen in years. We are scattered all over the US. While we were there my youngest sister who would be taking care of the estate asked if there was anything special I wanted. Other's had things they really wanted to have but my answer was no....just something small to remember her by. I never got anything that belonged to my Dad. That bothered me for years. I thought it was important to have something tangible to take out and look at and touch to make the memories of him real. An event changed my mind about that a long time ago. I lost everything in a fire. Pictures, my kids Christmas ornaments that they had made, things that I had collected. But the kids and I were still alive and unscathed. After that my material possessions had little importance to me anymore. Yes... I got upset if someone broke something. But the person and their feelings were more important than the item could be. But I guess I regress. I spoke with my two sisters this morning and they had finished the task and said they had sent a package out on Tuesday. It arrived today. There were some pieces of her pewter (she collected it for years) and some of her jewelry (just costume jewelry but we had similar tastes) and along with that were some little things that followed my life.
There is the little beaded bracelet from when I was born? Not sure. It has blue beads but don't recall when they stopped using them. I was born in Luella's Maternity home in Skowhegan Maine in the middle of a blizzard. I've been told it was so cold that Luella took me into her bed at night to keep me warm. Boy...how times have changed. Picture of me and my Dad and me and my Mom when I was little. There is a copy of my maternal grandmother's obituary. She died while I was away in Australia for a year. Graduation photos and proms and my debutant photo. There's a charm bracelet of my mother's with all of us kids (there were six of us) birth dates and her wedding anniversary and my first wedding and a couple other charms. They were real popular there for awhile. All these things evoked memories. The most important thing is....I have these memories and don't need to bring out the items (though they will be cherished and shared) and can enjoy these memories when ever and where ever I want. Yes - I shed a few tears as I went through things. But that's okay.
Three days left!
goody box!!!!

My BBEST Swap item
Our Boomers and Beyond Etsy Street Team decided to have a swap this month. One of our members collected all the names of those who wanted to participate and sent them out. No saying who we got. It's secret until your swap recipient receives their item. I finished mine today and it will be mailed out in tomorrow's post. They should have it in time for Easter. It is quilted and a good size so can carry most anything. If you enlarge the first photo you will notice my signature Scotties. Had to have them. This really was fun although I agonized over what to send.
Thanks EcoEtsy!
This weekend I participated in the EcoEtsy St. Patty's Day Scavenger hunt! You had to find this cute little EcoEtsy bird in the shops. I had a lot of fun and the threads that were following it seemed to show that so was everyone else. I'm sure the ones putting it together....doing all the behind the scenes prep work are glad it's over. They should all be applauded.
whose got the lucky number?

presenting ..... thewildhare

Or visit their blog
I'm So Glad - We all have different Faces
featured artist Sue Lambert

and her blog
Five years and the passion still grows
Bring it down to size

The photo below is of the building that those little roofers are on top of. If you enlarge the photo you can see one of them to the left on top of the roof. Now if you go back to the first photo and look at the building on the right of the center island. That is the building that these little guys are tarring the roof on.
pieces of a bigger picture

This gives you a picture of Heritage Furniture on the left, with Siegelman's clothing warehouse behind the trees in the middle and the Golden Fame fuel oil on the right. You can see we are working on a second level also.
Busy, busy, busy....but not the furkids!

This is our elder statesman Sam E. He will be 13 in May. You couldn't ask for a sweeter dog yet he was considered a biter at one time. He bit because he was afraid. His place when I am at my desk is right there behind my chair...guarding for anything that might come get me. Both he and Miss Sassy have lost their hearing.

And the last one to join the clan is Miss Katie. She has a bed under my desk on one side and crate pads on the other and goes back and forth between them when I am in here. She sleeps on the bed by my feet at night and when I leave the house she sleeps next to the back door until I come home. She will be 13 in November but has the energy of a 2 year old!