I have this friend....you know....the ones you know but have never actually seen but the Internet has allowed you to share so much that you think you know the person? My friend lives in Naples , NY with her husband and two kids and of course...two Scotties. She makes soap and once I tried her soaps I can't stand to use store bought soap anymore. I especially love her almondoolah. She sells her soaps and supplies at
I also like reading her blog. She has always wanted to be a photojournalist so there's usually some neat photos to look at. And she can be entertaining too. If you go to her blog real quick tonight you can see her St. Patrick's Day cake that just didn't want to co-operate http://bristolwood.net/
The whole of this leads into the title of tonight's blog. I needed to tell you a bit about Katya and then you can see what she did. Arriving on my doorstep today was a 20 pound box. Yes....20 pounds! Seems she had a closet that needed cleaning and it had fabric....lots of fabric....and she decided that I needed it more than she did. Below you can see the array of textiles spread across my table like a feast. That box of ribbon standing up was in there too. And if you scroll down....
to here....you'll see a purse and 9 dog collars that she sent along. She knows I go to the Door County Scottie Rally every year and there are silent auctions and raffles and donation bins to raise money for Scottie rescue and the Scottish Terrier Health Fund. These will go there in her name. Who says you can't make friends over the Internet? God brings us all together and today she really brightened mine! Thanks Kae! 

Dayna, that is soooo cool. Good for you! Friends are the best!
You're so right! Friends don't have to be face to face to love each other. I have a scottie buddy in ND that I've never met, but we exchange gifts for birthdays and Christmas. We've both been losing weight, and she's now in the size I used to be. I've sent her basically all her tops for the winter (she's too tall for my pants!) and she's made me a scottie quilt.
You're going to have a great time with the fabric. Enjoy!
Thank you, Dayna! I am just so glad these goodies have been placed into the hands of someone who will use them!
Just passing on the blessings!!!!
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