This is Bert and Miss Sassy. Bert is 9 and very arthritic from previous abuse. He also has a pin in one of his legs. A real sweetheart. Miss Sassy (next to the crate) will be 13 tomorrow. She was rescued from a puppy mill where she was a baby machine. She had never played on grass or felt a loving touch until she came out. She was 7 years old at the time. Skin and bones, hardly any fur and frightened. Now she sleeps in soft places and gets plenty of food and water.
This is my Big Boy....Mr. Murphy. He is the biggest and is mommie's lap dog. This is a rare photo as he usually takes off as soon as he sees or hears the camera. Mr. Murphy is 7 years old.

This is our elder statesman Sam E. He will be 13 in May. You couldn't ask for a sweeter dog yet he was considered a biter at one time. He bit because he was afraid. His place when I am at my desk is right there behind my chair...guarding for anything that might come get me. Both he and Miss Sassy have lost their hearing.

And the last one to join the clan is Miss Katie. She has a bed under my desk on one side and crate pads on the other and goes back and forth between them when I am in here. She sleeps on the bed by my feet at night and when I leave the house she sleeps next to the back door until I come home. She will be 13 in November but has the energy of a 2 year old!

This is our elder statesman Sam E. He will be 13 in May. You couldn't ask for a sweeter dog yet he was considered a biter at one time. He bit because he was afraid. His place when I am at my desk is right there behind my chair...guarding for anything that might come get me. Both he and Miss Sassy have lost their hearing.

And the last one to join the clan is Miss Katie. She has a bed under my desk on one side and crate pads on the other and goes back and forth between them when I am in here. She sleeps on the bed by my feet at night and when I leave the house she sleeps next to the back door until I come home. She will be 13 in November but has the energy of a 2 year old!
They're all beautiful and sweet and I'm glad that they're safe and warm with you now.
Oh, Scottie, what a great story! These little doggies must be so very happy! I love your stories and your pics. Yes, my cats "help" me paint the same way!!
What great pictures of your babies. I am sure they love you to pieces.
What a beautiful fur-family you have. So nice that they all get along and can share your love. Please keep the pics and anecdotes of your lucky group coming.
Your dogs are just lovely!!! I'm glad they have such a great life with you. I can't understand how people can be awful to any dogs, let alone a Scottie!
Dayna... love seeing your crewe!!!!!
Love your scotties! My daughter, Bubba's Sis, has 2 white schnauzers and I have a poochon, which is a cross between a poodle and a bouchon frise. He is 8 yrs. old but still has an attitude. What would we do without our doggie babies???
They're all so gorgeous and remind me of Molly, our 15 y/o scottie who we lost a couple of weeks ago. We are completely gutted - she was the gentlest, most sweet-natured girl, and she was a rescue. We got her when she was 8 months, and we are not sure why she was in a rescue home, but was apparently running free in London before she was picked up. We miss her so much but seeing your pictures made me smile because she always used to lie beside me at my desk too! Kate
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