...we'll save the office/modeling center for later!
Way back in February I posted about the sorry state that my sewing room was in. You can refer to the posting if you want but beware!!!! you could get lost in a pile of fabric! http://scottieacres.blogspot.com/2008/02/i-cant-stand-it-anymore.html Well I have made some changes and cleaned up a bit until I go on another fabric frenzy looking for just the right piece. Just follow the photos and you'll understand. First one is looking into the room from the door way. Outside the windows is a really lovely view with birds and flowers and trees. My main machine is right there in the middle of the windows. To the right is my trusty Singer and the Babyloc serger. I had to move the old Windsor treadle out as I needed room for the cutting table.
And here is the cutting table! I have a custom baby quilt in process sitting on it. Room for bin storage (fabric ) underneath and it is on casters.
Yup....that is the guest bed. As soon as a guest leaves I wind up using it for projects in process.

This is the left side of the closet that runs the length of the wall. Six bins of cottons and flannels and chenille, quilt batting and pillow forms and some rolls of double knit fabrics I just couldn't resist. (they have Scotties on them) That garbage bag just in front is full of vintage chenille spreads that I just got to cut up for projects.

Right side of the closet with more cottons and flannels. In the space between the two (behind the wall the black forest cuckoo clock is hanging on) are bins with corduroy and Christmas fabrics.
Now where are all the rest of the fabrics and projects you ask? I had to hide them somewhere... This bin is Christmas...
Hubby's end of the walk in closet. Those two huge tubs are full of Scottie fleece.
My end of the closet...these are full of drapery type fabrics and suede.

This is the left side of the closet that runs the length of the wall. Six bins of cottons and flannels and chenille, quilt batting and pillow forms and some rolls of double knit fabrics I just couldn't resist. (they have Scotties on them) That garbage bag just in front is full of vintage chenille spreads that I just got to cut up for projects.

Right side of the closet with more cottons and flannels. In the space between the two (behind the wall the black forest cuckoo clock is hanging on) are bins with corduroy and Christmas fabrics.

Dayna, I'm showing this to my husband so that he understands it's not that unusual for a fabricholic to have so much fabric in so many places. I feel so-o-o much better after looking at your photos! :-) --Judy (JN Originals)
Judy - I need to get busy and use some of it up! I do get creative in finding places to store it!
How fun, Dayna!!! I love that your machine is in front of the windows. And your cutting table would be great!! My aunt had tubs and tubs of fabric. My Mama sewed for a living but didn't have all that much fabric because most of it belonged to customers and was gone when she finished with their garment. I have a few tubs full and some in drawers as well. It isn't a bad thing to collect fabric!!!
Oh Dayna!
I am SO glad I sent all that fabric to such a fine home!!!! hehehe That is so funny. When I worked at JoAnn Fabrics, I remember smiling at the women who had the "She who dies with the most fabric wins" bumper stickers on the back of their vehicles! Methinks you are up there in the running, for sure!! It must feel like Christmas every day when you go on a mission looking for that "right" piece!!!!!
At least you have it confined to one room. I, on the other hand, have been accused (for shame!) of taking over the entire house! I have this in one room, that in another...very sore subject with the hubby.
wow! that's a lot of fabric. How do you keep up with it all - with pictures on the outside of the tubs? And you have a whole room and bath! Our extra bedroom is the hubby's den - or "media room" with big! TV and lots of wiring. Oh well, I took over the living room!
Well I think you need more fabric!
Wow you have a lot of fabric. It does look similar to my closet! To one it may look overwhelming but I too know right where everything is located! :)
Your sewing room blows me away. So much fabric and notions to be inspired by.
Oh my, you could start a business with all the stuff you have :o) Have a great Monday!
Thanks for the tour of your craft room. You sure do have alot of fabric. My motto is that you can never have too much fabric so I would be very content to hang out in your craft room.
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
Hahahah! My favorite is the bathtub storage. Good for you! It looks like you got quite a collection.
Nice room! That's great, you have a whole room to yourself! :D
very cool room and impressive stash! :)
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