Another Asiatic lily that is in the garden outside the window. The orange is just soooo vibrant.
Back in April our sweet Miss Katie was having a problem with her paw.(Katie's boo boo) After many vet visits and xrays and antibiotic treatments we had decided to put her under anesthesia and have a better look. When the tip of her nail was clipped the pus just oozed out so we had the nail removed back to the nail bed. We have been trying to get it to heal since and have gone through several courses of antibiotics and tonight it started to bleed again and is swollen. Another course of antibiotics and even though I don't like prednisone it has it's benefits. Will do a short term to bring down the swelling but it looks like at this point she will be having the toe removed. We did our best hoping that removing the nail would do the trick. She is the sweetest 13 year old girl there is. Happy and full of life and can she dance when treats are around! Here she is in her bed under my desk. She sticks close to me. We love her dearly.
Yup ... Mine would but this isn't about me. Although there are some similarities between Vicky and I. My Mom sewed and ironed and we were a family of six kids just like hers. She didn't learn to sew until later in life. I started at the tender age of 7.
But....the sewing bug caught her and I'm sure her Mom is watching wearing one of those aprons that every Mom wore back then. Vicky has collected fabrics so many of her aprons are one of a kind...unless she finds enough for two!